Demarcation Barrier | Free-Standing Demarcation | D-Marc

The D-Marc™ barrier system is the health and safety solution designed to create a safer work environment for your employees and customers. Our D-Marc™ product is ideal for controlling, routing and keeping people safe.
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The D-marc™ 105 wind resistant demarcation Barrier system is a Collective Protection demarcation barrier system for flat roof applications designed to prevent access to hazards during regular roof top maintenance.
More about Flat roof demarcation
The D-i.D.™ tag system is an Identification tag holder & insert for the marking / tagging of items which require regular compliance testing & identification. The tag holder is designed to encapsulate the tag insert & protect it from the weathers ensuring that the testing information shown is always visible & tamper proof.
more about d-id - tag systemD-MARC - Demarcation Barrier for Flat Roof Certification
D-Marc wind resistant roof safety barrier Installation
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