British Standards for Roof Ladders are Coming
You may be surprised to learn that there is currently no British Standard for roof ladders here in the UK. This is despite the fact that a fall from height remains the number one cause of fatalities in the workplace in Britain. We have such stringent health and safety at work legislation in the UK that it may come as a shock to learn that a British Standard for roof ladders just doesn’t exist. However, we’re hoping that this situation will be rectified in the not too distant future as the Ladder Association and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is working towards producing such a sta
[…]Access Staircases Explained
Access staircases are typically used in order to gain access to areas that cannot be safely reached by other means. They are generally used in industry to provide access for workers to carry out repairs or maintenance or in order to undertake tasks that are part of a manufacturing process. In most cases, access staircases will need to be individually fabricated in order to access a specific location within a factory or on a construction site.