All You Need to Know About Developing an Industrial Training Program
A successful industrial training program starts with a good plan that outlines everything an organisation needs to consider. Last week, we learnt about the steps to take when assessing your training needs. Once you’ve completed the assessment, it’s time to get working on developing the training program. This involves taking the design blueprint and converting it into real training materials to be delivered later.
[…]Domed Roofs: Wonders of the World
In the western world, roofs are typically built in a flat or steepled fashion, largely due to weather conditions. In the east, however, domed roofs are far more common, being used with regularity in religious buildings, great tombs, or seats of power for governments. With their unique style, domed roofs require much work and skill to build, and special kinds of wind resistant demarcation for assistance in planning. In today's article, we are going to examine some of the most famous domed buildings of the world and learn more about their construction.