Factors to Consider When Selecting the Right Connecting Device for Your Needs
Connecting devices are an essential component of a personal fall arrest system (PFAS) that provides a critical link to join the body harness to the anchorage connector. These devices can be self-retracting lifelines, energy-absorbing lanyards, retrieval systems, or rope grabs. This piece focuses on the critical factors to consider when selecting a PFAS connecting device to use when working on potentially risky areas as far as fall protection is concerned. Please read on.
[…]Iconic Roofs: Santorini
Not all of the world’s roofs are flat. Across the planet, there are numerous aesthetically breath-taking roofs on historic and modern buildings alike, standing out as architectural wonders in a drab world of gables and demarcation barriers. The Greek island of Santorini is known for its striking and unique architecture: white walls and blue domes abound within its Mediterranean villages, painting a picture of bright houses set against cerulean seas.