Who you Gonna Call – Batman?
Last week we published a story about bats and the fact that their roosts are legally protected. Destroying a bats’ roost can lead to stringent fines of £5,000 per bat or even result in a six-month prison sentence. Bats often roost in attics here in the UK as they prefer the dark cave-like conditions which, to bats, represent the perfect place to roost, mate and raise their baby bats. When it comes to checking the attic for signs of bat habitation, there are plenty of clues to look out for, including:
[…]Scarecrows on the Roof?
In inverted roof is also known as a “protected membrane” or “upside down roof” because the waterproofing layer of this type of flat roof is beneath the thermal insulation, rather than above it. The waterproofing layer will usually be a liquid-applied membrane above a concrete roof slab and has insulation boards laid over it, which is weighted down with a layer of ballast, often gravel or pebbles. Any rainwater falling on the roof will trickled down through to the membrane layer where it should drain away through rainwater outlets.